Márton Barabás


My aim is to depict an ensemble of objects in planar form. Sculptures are the subjects of my paintings, and the imaginary space, the fabricated visual depth, and the sense of illusion grow around them due to their presence. The arbitrary task of creating an image brings me great joy.

Contemporary music affected me as much as hyperrealism and conceptuality did. The representative music of Steve Reich and Meredith Monk inspired me to create something similar in the field of fine art.



1966-1970 High School of Arts and Design in Budapest, graphic designer

1971-1977 Student of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts, department of painting. Composer of paintings, sculptures, installations and book-objects.

2012 Hungarian University of Fine Arts DLA degree

Selected Exhibitions

2020 'Zongoraátiratok' Ferenc Juhász Cultural Center, Faluház Gallery

2019 'Zongorakivonat' Aba-Novák Gallery, Leányfalu

2019 "Nyitány" Miskolc Gallery, Miskolc

2019 "Időutazás Révfülöpön" RévArt Gallery

2018 Dom Ogrodow Katowice, Lengyelország

2018 "Időutazás (zongoraátiratok és kottakönyvek)", Nádor Gallery, Budapest

2018 "Hegedű duó", Library of Gödöllő

2017 "Fotók, könyvtárgyak és installációk", Faur Zsófi Gallery

2017 Bozsó Collection, Kecskemét

2016 Dubniczai Palace, Veszprém, Vár

2016 "Zongoraobjektek", Franz Liszt Academy of Music, Budapest

2015 Hommage a Paul Sacher", Schaffhausen, Kunsthalle (Forum Vebikus) Svájc

2015 Knihovna Kroměřížska, (Library of Kroměříž Region) Kroměříž-i Könyvtár, Csehország

2015 "Ábécékönyv Kottakönyv Sorskönyv". Vízivárosi Gallery

2014 Helios Gallery, Timișoara, Romania

2014 Endre Ady Library, Baja

2013 Attila  József Library, Makó

2012-2013 Hungarian Cultural Center Brussels, Brüsszel

2012 Musikhochschule, Stuttgart, Németország

2012 L'Hotel de Ville de Sochaux with Patrick Choffat and Aurélien Lepage. France

2011 "Utazás térben és időben "Haus der Ungarische Kultur", Stuttgart. 

2011 Faur Zsófi Gallery, Budapest

2010 Neue Kunst Galerie und Staatstheater, Karlsruhe

2010 Stadt und Fachwerkmuseum "Alte Universität", Eppingen

2010 Abbazia Abbey, Sesto al Reghena, Veneto, Italy

2010 "Antennaszobrok és téri graffitik" Fészek Gallery, Budapest

2010 "Könyvszobrok és síkplasztikák" Kass Gallery, Szeged

2006 Hungarian Academy, Roma

2005 Cultural Center of the Municipality of Athens, Athens, Greece

2005 "Mutual Influences", Hungarian Information and Cultural Centre, Delhi

2004 Museum of Applied Arts, Budapest

2003 Wiener Mechanik, Klavierskulpturen, Berlin- Spandau, Zitadelle, Germany

2003 "Gefundene und erfundene Klaviere", Haus der Musik, Vienna, Austria

2002 Schloss Gondelsheim, Galerie Steiner, Germany

2002 Picture-Gallery of Szombathely

2002 Art Museum, Brasov

2001 Hungarian Cultural Centre, London

2000 French Institute, Budapest

1999 "Csigagyűjtemény", Dovin Gallery, Budapest

1997 Merlin Gallery, Budapest

1996 Dovin Gallery, Budapest

1991 Schönbrunn Palm house, Vienna, Austria

1990 Dorottya Gallery, Budapest

1988 Jipian Art Gallery, Knokke, Belgium

1986 Galerie Steiner, Bad Rappenau, Schloss Babstadt, Germany

1985 French Institute, Budapest

1984 Hall of Art, Budapest

Awards, accomplishments

2006 Horror Vacui, Museum of Applied Arts, Budapest

2006 Bartók - Mozart, The Materialized Music, Bartók 32 Gallery, Budapest

2006 Box, Box Exhibition, Körmend Gallery, Budapest

2006 Tangerine (In memoriam Bartók), Nádor Gallery, Budapest

2006 Waypoints - Selection from the Works of Ignác Kokas' Followers, Műcsarnok, Budapest

2006 IVth International Artist Book Exhibition, István Király Museum, Székesfehérvár

2006 Kronach, Open Space Sculpture Exhibition and Symposium, Germany

2006 In Terms of Mimesis - Collection of the Tragor Ignác Museum of Vác, City Gallery of Pécs

2006 Heart Affairs, Művészetmalom, Szentendre

2006 Looking at Each other - Exhibition of the Szinyei Association, Museum of Fine Arts, Cluj, Romania

2006 Depth, Ökoart Gallery, Budapest

2005 Marseille, Contemporary Creative Books

2005 Von der Kunst eine Giraffe zu portrat TIEREN, Leopold Museum, Vienna

2005 Those Eighties (FMK) Kogart House, Budapest

2005 Minipresse und Künstler Bücher Ausstellung, Mainz

2005 Haus der Kunst, Association of Applied- and Fine Artists, Munich

2005 Exhibition of the Painter's Division

2005 Wood Sculpture Triennial, Nagyatád

2005 Autumn Gallery in Hódmezővásárhely

2005 "Float", Öko Gallery, Budapest

2005 "Transubstantiation", Erdős Renee House, Budapest

2005 Spring Picture-Gallery, Salgótarján

2005 Hernádi Miklós Collection, Kassák Museum, Budapest

2005 XIXth National Small Plastic Arts Biennial, Pécs

2004 Miskolc Gallery, Chair Exhibition

2004 Klagenfurt, Alpen Adria Galerie, Austria

2004 Aurisina, Casa della Pietra, Trieste, Italy

2004 Műhely Gallery in Gödöllő, garden exhibition

2004 Labyrinth, Association of Hungarian Painters, Újpest Gallery, Budapest

2004 Exhibition of the Szinyei Association, Lendava, Slovenia

2004 Artist Money, Association of City Artists, Nádor Gallery, Budapest

1999 Munkácsy Prize