Péter Borkovics


I first became interested in the fact that glass is liquid. Any object made of glass goes through different machines, techniques, and professional tricks until it reaches its final stage. My geometrical, striped blocks are simple prisms from outside. The shapes get more hectic inside, appearing as if I have turned them inside out. The colorful glass sheets are melted and the inside colors and shapes are formed by the heat. The continuous, parallel stripes symbolize the harmony of nature and the eternal circle of time. This is where we were born; we are part of it. The circular or rectangular frame in the middle expresses the human presence; the exact thinking. Rotating these circles and squares shows the the ever changing civilization and the ways in which we think. The struggles of time we fill with our lives, the lived moments, the tiny speck of dust in the eternal and inconceivable universe. It is like a stone which is thrown into water, man is born, and something has changed. Both types of shaping require different types of people. The cold shaping needs calmer, reflective, consequent personality and suggests unlimited time. The hot one is fire itself. It is virtuoso, energetic, experienced, forward thinking, and sensitive, improvising, transforming, alive. I deal with the union of these two types. The creative spark of the hot glass is brought together with the cleanness, transparency, and play of light that the cold glass encompasses. It originated as a stroke of genius, matures in the atmosphere of inspiration and we finish it as an experienced master, as it is worth doing in our own aesthetic culture. It can only be attained with the forces of love and humility. It is very exciting!



1986-1990 Secondary School of Fine-and Applied Arts, Budapest, glass department

1994 Hungarian Academy of Craft and Design, Budapest, degree in glass and porcelan design

Masters  : György Buczkó, Zoltán Bohus, Márton Horváth  és Zsuzsa Vida /she studid from prof. Libensky’ /

1995 Hungarian Academy of Craft and Design, masters degree in glass, master : Endre Gaál

2001-2003 Hungarian University of Craft and Design, Doctor of Liberal Arts School

2002 Politechnico Milano, computer design department

Since 1997 Art teacher at the Secondary School of Fine-and Applied Arts, Budapest, glass department

Since 2018 Adjunkt at the Hungaryan University MOME- Glass department

2020 DLA Doctor of Liberal Arts / Summa Cum Laude /, MOME

Prizes, scholarships, awards:

1993 Artemide Hungarian lamp competition, 1 st prize, VAM Gallery, Budapest

1993 Artrevue '93, 2 nd prize, Budapest

1994 László Moholy-Nagy Design Fellowship

1998 Lajos Kozma Art and Crafts Fellowship

2002 National Design Competition, Minister's award (for finger glasses)

2002 Erasmus scholarship, Milanó

2004 Noémi Ferenczy award / state award /

2008 Smithsonian Renwick Award, Habatat Galleries, Michigan

2013 International Exhibition of Glass Kanazawa,  „ Honorable Mention ” prize 

2014 42nd Annual Internat. Glass Invitational Award Winners” Fort Wayne Museum of Art, Michigan

2016 44nd Annual Internat. Glass Invitational Award Winners” Fort Wayne Museum of Art, Michigan

2016 Warm Glass Uk. Glass Prize2016 „Other Category” Uk.


1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005 III., IV., V., VI., X., XI., XII., XIV., XV. 

           International, Bárdudvarnok

1994 International glass symposion, Lednyice Rovnye 

1998 "DeForma"-symposion, Bárdudvarnok/ Ajka

2019 „Connections” Glassn Simposion Wroclav ( Poland)

Solo exhibitions:

1994 " On and on", Parti Galéria, Pécs ( with István Czebe )

1994 Introductory exhibition, Bernáth Galéria, Marcali

1994 Introductory exhibition, Mátranovák

1995 " Lámpaláz ", Young Artists'  club, Budapest

2004 Eventuelle Gallery , Budapest ( with Kristóf Bihari and Kovács Szabolcs Gergő Kovács)

2004 Summary exhibition, Rippl-Rónai Museum, Kaposvár

2006 ” Fres Casting ” with Gyuri Gaspar and Balázs Sipos,Glass Piramid Gallery, Budapest

2011  with Gyuri Gáspár and Balázs Sipos,FISE Gallery, Budapest

2011 Introductory exhibition, Hosszúhetény,

2011 Introductory exhibition, Újlipótvárosi Gallery, Budapest

2013  with Gyuri Gáspár and Balázs Sipos,Rippl Rónai Múzeum, Kaposvár

2016 " Hungarian Glass Exhibition " AVRAN Art& Design Gallery ,Laguna Beach / Lukácsi Lászlóval

2020 „Fényrétegek”-Light Layers Veszprém, Várgaléria / with József Bullás /

2020 „Az anyag és a lélek határán” -On the border of material and soul Kiskép Galéria, Budapest

Collective shows:

1993 " Jégfogyatkozás ", , Pálvölgyi Stalactite cave, Budapest

1993 " Talent-börse ", München

1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 III., IV., V., VI., X., XI., XII. International glass symposion and exhibition, Bárdudvarnok

1994 " FISE " / organization of young applied artists / exhibition , House of Hungarian Culture, Praga

1994 " BIO ", Ljubljana (Slovenia)

1995 " Paradoxon – Glass – Art ", Contempolary Glass Exhibition, Museum of Applied Art, Budapest

1996 " FISE " exhibition, Intitute Hongroise, Párizs

1998 Spring Festival, Bologna

1999 " FISE " exhibition, Hungarian Cultural and Science Center, Helsinki

2002 " Connections ", " FISE " exhibition, Atrium Gallery, Glasgow

2002 " The Meaning of Glass " , Museum of Applied Art, Budapest

2003 " Paralels and Contracts ", Glass art at the turn of the century-Glas art at the turn of the millenium, 

          Collegium Hungaricum, Bécs

2004 " Transflection , Glass, Transparency,  Reflection ", Gödör Klub, Budapest

2004, 2005 " Fragile Cargo ", Contempolary Glass Exhibition, Budapest Gallery, Budapest; Vaszary

         Museum ; Kaposvár; St. Helens (U. K.), World of Glass; The Glass Art Gallery, London; 

         Art-O-Nivo Gallery, Brugge; Verschijning Gallery, Tilburg (Holland),

2005 Glasstellung, Glaskunst aus Ungarn, Berlin, Collegium Hungaricum

2005 InternationalGlassWorkshop of  Bárdudvarnok 15 th anniversary exhibition, Vaszary Museum, Kaposvár,

2007 " Lumen Lumen  " glass exhibition, Domenican gotike katedral, Krakow

2009 " Connections 2009  " Contemporary European Glass Sculpture, Prague

2009  ” 37TH. Internat.Glass Invitational " Habatat Galleries, Michigan

2009 " International Glass Exhibition " Karlovy Vary

2010  " Hungarian Glass Exhibition " Erdész Gallery, Szentendre

2011  ” 39TH. Internat.Glass Invitational " Habatat Galleries, Michigan

2011  ” FISE Exhibition " Hungarian Institut, Moszkva

2012 HUglass,  Contempolary Glass Exhibition, B55 Gallery, Budapest

2012 " International Glass Exhibition " Karlovy Vary

2012 " FUN, SURPRICE, JOKEI  international Glass Exhibition " Wroclav, Krakkow…

2012-16  ” 41TH. Internat.Glass Invitational " Habatat Galleries, Michigan

2013  „International Exhibition of Glass Kanazawa” selected 100 artist Kanazawa, Japan

2014  „International Glass Exhibition „ Coburg

2014 „ Houston fine art fair”

2014 „ Dubai Design Days” Dubai

2014 „ Hu Glass” Glass Exhibition  B55 gallery, Budapest

2015 „ Reflections From the Fire” Longboat Key Center for the Arts , Florida, USA

2015 " Sofa" fine art fair, Chicago

2015 "ArtPalmBeach show" Florida, USA

2015  ” 44TH. Internat.Glass Invitational " Habatat Galleries, Michigan

2016 „ Művészkonyha” Erdész Galéria, Szentendre

2016   "Art Glass Weekend" Srasota Glass, Longboat Key Center for the Arts

2016  ” 45TH. Internat.Glass Invitational " Habatat Galleries, Michigan

2016  „International Exhibition of Glass Kanazawa” selected 100 artist Kanazawa, Japan

2016  „ ASD16” San Diego Contemporary Art Show, USA

2016  „ Art Concept Art Fair Miami” Miami, USA

2016  „ Spectrum Miami Art Show” Miami, USA

2017  ” 46TH. Internat.Glass Invitational " Habatat Galleries, Michigan

2017   "Art Glass Weekend" Srasota Glass, Longboat Key Center for the Arts

2017  „ 30 x 30” kivonat az ezredforduló magyar képzőművészetéből

2017  „Nemzeti Szalon kiállítás” Műcsarnok, Budapest

2018 "Art Glass Weekend" Srasota Glass, Longboat Key Center for the Arts

2018 " Sofa" fine art fair, Chicago

2019 Müt Kiállítás, Glassmuseum Lette, Deuchland

2019 „The Venice Glass Week” Loredan Palota, Velence

2019  „International Exhibition of Glass Kanazawa” selected 100 artist Kanazawa, Japan

2019 " Sofa" fine art fair, Chicago

2020 Glass museum Frauenau, Deuchland

2020 „Glass Spring” Térkép Galéria, Budapest

2020 „Glassartfair” Habatat Galleries, Michigan, USA

2021 „Habatat 50” Habatat Galleries, Michigan, USA

2021 „The Venice Glass Week” Loredan Palota, Velnice

2021 „International Exhibition of Glass ” Zwitsel, Deuchland

2022  „International Glass Exhibition „ Coburg Deuchland selected work

2022 „International Glass Exhibition” Tacoma, USA

2022 „International Exhibition of Glass Kanazawa” selected 100 artist, Kanazawa, Japan

Works in public collections:

National Glass Collection Bárdudvarnok, ( Mária Goszthony Fundation) –" Zebrashell "

Museum of Applied Art, Budapest –" Gate ", and   „ Bumble Bee ” standing lamp

 Rippl-Rónai Museum, Kaposvár,  –" Green Screen Diatréta II " 

Veszprém Museum,- „ Yellow Diatretum”

glass collecting Barbara Achilles – Stiftung, Hamburg Germany „ Vortex Lines” plasztika

Notojima Glass Art Museum,,  Japan „ Genesis” plasztika

Hoffmann István gyüjtemény/ 30 x 30/

Imagine Museum, Speterburg, Florida „The Wheel of Light”, „Horizontal Reflexion Blue”, „Vertical Reflexion”

Glass museum Lette, „ Ferde Hasáb”

Glass museum Frauenau „Skew”

Veszprém Museum „Colored Lines”

Works made for communal and private commission:

1996 Contact Point Hungary, Brussels, company title and logo on the facade , colored, melted glass 

         50x500 cm; 90xl10 cm

1997 Light of the World Foundation, School for blind and visually impaired children ,Pécs,  (2 db ) 

        outdoor lamp, indoor wall lamps /2 pieces / colored, melted furnace glass

        70x50x35 cm; 60x30x30 cm

2011 „ Lila Körte „ caffe bar, Budapest, hanging lamps


1995 Glass Symposions 1991-1995. Bárdudvarnok (katalógus).

1998 Occasioni per design ungherese, Domus 1998 / maggio.

2002 Ildikó D. Udvary: A FISE és a Glasgow School of Art újabb kiállításai. Magyar Iparművészet 

2004 Fragile cargo. Kortárs üvegművészeti vándorkiállítás. Budapest, Budapest Galéria; Kaposvár, Vaszary

         Képtár; St. Helens (Egyesült Királyság), World of Glass; London, The Glass Art Gallery; Brugge,

         Art-O-Nivo Gallery. (Catalog. intro. Bernadett Hegyvári, Max Jacquard, Endre Gaál,Vera Varga)

2007 New Glass Review 28, Corning Museum of Glass

2006 Cseh Borbála: A végtelen lehetőségek időtlensége. MAKtár 2006(12)21.

2009 Sashegyi Zsófia: Halálra ítélt a hazai üvegszakma. ~ üvegművész kísérletező kalandként talál rá az új és az

    újabb utakra. Magyar Nemzet 2009. január 8. 

2011 Urbán Ágnes (szerk.): Ferenczy Noémi-díjasok. IV. kötet. Budapest, Magyar Képzőművészek és 

          Iparművészek Szövetsége. 

2013 New Glass Review , Corning Museum of Glass

2014 Vadas József: A magyar iparművészet története. A századfordulótól az ezredfordulóig. Budapest, 

          Corvina Kiadó. 212

2018 New Glass Review 39, Corning Museum of Glass

2018 Laura Gomez: Klassik International, 

2019 https://www.wallpaper.com/design/venice-glass-week-2019-david-landau

2020 Műértő

2021 Michelangelo Foundation, Homo Faber Guide

2021 Kultura.hu