Gábor Áron | Elevenedés
egyéni kiállítás
The enigmatic and archaic formations appearing – in opaque, dense, sensual and enigmatic fluidity – in Áron Gábor’s drawings hint at indefinable faces or heads like visions, suggesting, with their forceful vitality and mobility, the emergence of a new entity, the realization of something compact and real, of something that exists, though there is by no means anything personal, private or particular inherent in their sensual, material concreteness, their formal singularity. Instead, these are potentialities, perspectives and alternatives of potential creative processes in which formations of identity become possible. The emergence of a form as a transformation, as a reification of something potentially existing, that plays out before our eyes in this vegetative, uncontrollable and enigmatic process is the actual occurrence that can be perceived in the image and through the image, through the specific peculiarity and competence of the visual image.
Lorand Hegyi